Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Corpse Bride here I come…

Halloween is approaching and even though we Aussies don’t traditionally celebrate, this yeah my cousins and I are having a do! A BIG do… involving costumes… oh how I love to “costume party


I have had this beautiful vintage wedding dress, a $10 opportunity shop bargain, hanging in my cupboard for many many months.

I haven’t done anything with it yet because it is too nice to destroy… or maybe I was just waiting for the right purpose for the repurposing.

Until now… I will be attending the Halloween Costume Party as a Corpse Bride and this is going to be my dress… although I don’t think it will really look much like the original gown. The creative juices are flowing and I am preparing to “let go of the preciousness” of this item and create something amazing…

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Little Step

Today I put the very first item in my Etsy Shop... A beautiful bead and wire necklace... I love the autum colours, they make me feel renewed and alive.

I have had it sitting here waiting for months to go to it's new home... if you are interested check out my store @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/thekreationofkate

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kate's Britches and Stitches

A few days ago I posted this statement "I am going to start journalling my dreams, hopes and creative ideas, then putting plans into place to make them happen."

So I have taken a big, little step towards my goal. I have created a facebook page... as this is my main method of communicating with people outside my immediate family and friends and an awesome way to get other people involved in promoting my new business venture.

Kate's Britches and Stitches.... specialises in custom made costumes and, repairs and alterations to clothing. Attached to this will be a small scale (to begin with) costume hire business.

Check me out and my business at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hervey-Bay-Australia/Kates-Britches-and-Stitches/138699356172267?v=wall

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Raising Kids with ADD: All About Me

Raising Kids with ADD: All About Me: "I've done a few blogs here and there before. I haven't had much luck in staying on track with them. It's a weakness of mine...I start projects and never finish them..."

After a day of meltdowns I was searching for ADHD groups on Facebook to ease my mind a little.... please tell my children aren't the only ones who scream and tantrum with kicking and hitting for 45 minutes because they don't like the dinner that was served up to them... I stumbled on this blog.

Since my boys were unofically diagnosed with ADHD and medicated i have done a little research and I'm begining to wonder about myself! After all, alll my family tells me that Ethan, my 7 yr old, is just like me. I remember sitting in class staring out the window in to space cause I couldn't focus on any one thing in the classroom, all the noise and things happening, what do you focus on? I remember my mum asking me to clean my room and then coming back 2 hours later to find me sitting in the same spot doing nothing because I couldn't figure out what to do first... so many things...

I am interested to see how this Muma ADD goes...

My Beautiful Butterflies

The thing about butterflies is that they move quickly, stay for short times and are so very easily damaged. Just like children....

My Beautiful Butterflies are my three children. Ethan is 7, Chloe is 4, and Alistair is 9. I love them all, even when I hate them :) It is a hard road single parenting 3 children, especially when 2 of them have ADHD and sensory issues. I feel so very blessed that I have them, but some days I want to run away and hide.

This is to remind me how precious they are.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My little peice of Hyperactivity

My two sons have just been diagnosed with ADHD... yay... See you nasty woman at Bunnings and your "Oh My God, where is that kids parents!" as I was standing right next to you watching him swing off the side of the slippery slide thinking, "thankfully it's not the curtain rod again!" It is not that I am a bad mother, my children just have no ability to think before they act!

My Boys...

When my 7 year old son is having a good day, he is the most caring and creative soul you will ever meet... he loves to sew on the sewing machine and I am lucky enough to have a spare (old one) in good working order for him to use. He sews all kids of stuff but really loves to make pillows and blankets for his toys and little back packs. One day last year, as a 6 yr old, he used some scrapbooking paper offcuts and some really nice heavy yellow recycled paper to make a "fire truck" for his dad. Now when I say fire truck I mean, a 3 inch long 1 inch high paper truck complete with windows, wheels and a ladder. Oh I wish I had taken a picture before he took it away, because it was AMAZING and it looked just like a fire truck! I was so proud.

However most days have been bad lately, especially when he had to stop taking his Ritalin for a full week before seeing the paediatrician. Without the meds, he will poke holes in the wall, swing from the curtain rods, run around the house kicking things (particularly his brother and me if i try to stop him), have 2 hour tantrums every night, won't listen to me (good or bad), can't follow directions, hoards anything and everything (including gravel rocks and coke can tabs), can't focus at school and gets in trouble. As a parent it is so devastating to see your child behave in a way that is not truely who he is... to see him cry because he knows what he should be doing but he just cant control his impulses... to see that sadness in his eyes was heart breaking.

Anyway we are on medication now, one to help them sleep (Melatonin) and one to control their ADHD (one is taking Ritalin and the other Strattera) and after about 4 day all I can say is we are having less tantrums and more smiles... yay. It is not easy, but it is easier and to see my big boy (9, who also has an anxiety disorder) smile when he gets home from school is worth every once of energy spent to get to this point :)

From this point forward all I am hoping that I'll get more good days, more smiles and so much more creativity....

New Direction

Just got a phone message... " Hi Kate, I was just calling to tell you that Krista tried her dress on at work today, and it was perfect... she is so happy with it"

JOY... all I did was take in the back/waist seams so that her beautiful dress would hug her tiny waist, but it gives me so much pleasure and a sense of purpose to see how much people appreciate my ablitly to sew. I love Sewing... it gives me an escape from my dreary everyday life... having two sons with ADHD and a 4 yr old who thrive on routine is hard for my creative innerself! But, when I am sewing everything melts away and I feel on top of the world... my creativity flows freely and I have no need to second guess myself.

I have been second guessing myself too much of late and I am going to STOP right now.... and I am going to start journalling my dreams, hopes and creative ideas, then putting plans into place to make them happen. No more running away or hiding from them!